FASTCap Filtration System Kit-1
FASTCap FiltrationSystem Kit-1
Nalgene 90mm 0.2um PES FAST Cap x1 $43.00ea
- Up to 10x the speed and capacity of 25mm Syringe Filters: Proven with aqueous and midpolarity Oils ( grapeseed, cottonseed, coconot etc ) to 65DegC max
MityVav Hand Vacuum Pump CTMV-9010 $135.00ea ( Option HD Metal MityVac ( $158.00)
GL45 Glass SCHOTT Bottle CT-GBGL45-250 x2 $18ea
Tubing FCKit-1 $6.00
60cm 6mm Vinyl x1
60cm 5/32/3/32" LDPE x1
Barb Reducer 1-50-6 x1
Up to 10x the speed and capacity of 25mm Syringe Filters
: Proven with aqueous and mid-polaity Oils ( grapeseed, cottonseed, cocoanut etc ) to 65DegC max
see FAST Cap webpage,
mor >Filtration Accessories and New Vial Products