BONUS 4 U > Shop Prices R Indicative ONLY ! . . . . . BUT R STILL Honored !
OUR "various" SHOP Prices WILL BE Honoured > ( within "Reason" ) . . . R INDICATIVE ONLY at least until we progressively update them (...
OUR "various" SHOP Prices WILL BE Honoured > ( within "Reason" ) . . . R INDICATIVE ONLY at least until we progressively update them (...
Updated ( "rehashed") 2023 ! but this BLOG continues elsewhere as WIX for Us actually went missing for...
LFTR Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor - "New" ( invented 60 years ago but discredited by "The Experts" Alternative Nuclear "Fusion" Energy...
a Bacchas Marsh Co ? ! > but they got flooded > THEN Burn Out 5-10 years go ? NOW gone ! > A potential "saviour" for Victorias' "Brown...
New Product range Fluid Transfer existing > MicroFluidics 1/4"OD tubing > 1/16>1/32 10um IDs (0.13mmID PEEK Fluropolymeric; Teflon,...
Just MY Opinion ! . . . comments and debate ae welcome Premature! the "Cause & Effect" is just not established Exaggerated "Doom and...
I Must admit "Blogging" etc re twittering / Facebook via mobiles is just NOT my forte These WIX APPS are just not user friendly to me so...